Creating a Library for DocuXplorer Enterprise

This Help topic refers to the following editions:

รพ Enterprise


The Library is a physical folder on the server hard drive that will store all the database files related to it. To create a Library the user will need to have administrator permission to create folders and files on the server hard drive.


In creating a Library in DocuXplorer Enterprise the program will create a folder named DXDOCS on a Server hard drive. In the DXDOCS folder the program will create a subfolder named DXLIBRARY to store its related database files.



DocuXplorer supports only one Library per installation. Do not create additional Libraries as this may cause the program to malfunction. Any technical support or data repair required when DocuXplorer is misused in this way will required paid Level 3 Technical Support.


As you open the program the following dialog box will be displayed:



To create a DocuXplorer Enterprise Library:


Connection Type

Intranet - LAN

These settings are used to connect to a server on a local area network. If the Server name and IP Address are blank DocuXplorer will determine both values based on the connection path.

Server Name โ€“ the name of the server to be used with this network or Intranet connection. When adding or changing a server name DocuXplorer will try to resolve the IP address of the server and update the Server IP information or you may enter the IP address manually.

Server IP Address โ€“ the computer's Internet Protocol Address. Each computer has a unique computer address within it's domain (ex. DocuXplorer's validation process attempts to automatically determine and populate this field with the correct IP Address based on the Server Name previously entered. If the validation process fails to enter a correct IP Address you will need to enter it manually. If you do not know the computer's IP Address contact your network administrator for assistance. If the computer's IP Address changes some time after the initial setup you will need to enter the new IP Address manually.

Server Port Address โ€“ If the Port address on the client and server are zero the first available port is initialized, otherwise enter the Port Address to use when connecting to DocuXplorer.


Assigning a port address will minimize the startup time for DocuXplorer. If a port address is assigned make sure the Advantage Server Configuration is changed to the same value. See the DocuXplorer Network Installation Instructions for information on how to make changes to the server configuration.



Validate Connection Path

A user can choose to allow automatic validation of the connection path. If the program cannot validate the connection path it will prompt the user for the correct connection path.

Validation can occur on a LAN or Intranet connection and cannot be enabled when using an Internet connection.

Connection Path

This field determines the connection path the program uses to connect to the DocuXplorer Library.



It is required that the connection path be formatted using UNC standards.

(ex.(\\ ComputerName\Shared Resource, "\\MyComputer\DXDocs")


Library Name

This is name of the Library. The default Library name is DXLIBRARY


Library Configuration File

This is the name and location of the DX Library configuration file. It maintains connection information to the DX Library database files. DocuXplorer will look for this file in the following order.

  1. The same directory as the DocuXplorer was started in

  2. The ALL Users | Application data | DocuXplorer folder on a workstation

  3. The value associated with the environment variable ADSINI_PATH