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Reassigning an Index Set will change the Index Set association of documents in a Cabinet.
Reassigning an Index Set must be carefully thought out before you perform the reassign.
All fields are arranged in columns and originally titled Text Field 01, Text Field 02, etc., in order to reassign data from one Index Set to another the data will have to reside in the same column, in other words all data that is in what had been Text Field 01 in Index Set B can only be reassigned to the Text Field 01 column of Index Set A. Make sure you perform a backup before you perform any reassign so you can go back to your original settings if the reassign was improperly implemented.
This function allows a user to combine documents associated with different Index Sets and is most often used when duplicate Index Sets have been created with different names.
Reassign is specific to a Cabinet and will need to repeated for each Cabinet.
Reassign will also reassign the default Index Set for all Folders defaulted to that Index Set in a Cabinet to the newly assigned Index Set.
To reassign the field names of an Index Set:
From the Index Set Tools Menu of the Icon Toolbar, select Index Set Manager
Highlight the Index Set that you wish to reassign
Right click the Index Set to reassign
Click Reassign…
From the drop down list choose the Index Set you wish to use as the new set of field names
Click OK