Cut, Copy, Paste, and Moving Documents

This Help topic refers to the following editions:

þ Enterprise þProfessional þ Personal þ Small Business


From the Document List View or Find Document Query Result List:


Copy Documents

DocuXplorer will allow you to copy a document within a Cabinet or to the Work Folder or a folder in another Cabinet. When documents are copied or moved all versions of the document are copied or moved with the document.


To create a copy of a document:

What to expect when...

When copying a document to the same Cabinet

When you copy and paste a document within the same Cabinet a Duplicate document is created with a new internal document ID. The document is treated like a brand new document and not associated with any versions or short cuts. The subject field name will also be changed with the additional text "Duplicate of <Original file Name>".


When copying a document to a different Cabinet

When you copy and paste a document to another Cabinet the internal document ID is maintained and support for updating it when copying it back to the original cabinet is maintained.


For example:

If a document has been copied to a different Cabinet and changes have been made to either the index information or the document image DocuXplorer will recognize those changes when that document is copied or moved into and Drawer or Folder in its original Cabinet. The program will inform you that the document being copied or moved already exists in the Cabinet but has been changed. The dialog box will show the dates of modification for the source and destination document and will ask you to choose to update the document, leave the document as is,  or create a new document (Duplicate) from the source document.


Selecting "Update" will result in the original document taking on the modifications in the document being moved back into the Cabinet and creates a Shortcut to the document if the paste or drag and drop location is in any folder other then where the original is located.

Selecting "Update All" occurs when multiple documents are being copied or moved and works the same as "Update" but applies your choice to all documents being copied or moved back into the Cabinet.

Selecting "Cancel" will leave  the current document in place without modification and will not process the remaining documents that are being moved or copied..

Selecting "No" will leave the document in place without modification and will continue the process the remaining documents that are being copied or moved.

Selecting "New Doc" will result in a new document with the modifications being created with a new internal ID.


Document Update dialog when copying or moving modified document



Shortcuts are placeholders that when opened will open the original document that still remains in its original location. Modifying a document or its index will modify the original document. Shortcuts can only be created for documents that are located in the same Cabinet. Shortcuts cannot be created for a document and pasted into a different Cabinet. Users will recognize a shortcut to a document by its unique icon. The icon will still represent the original document's associated application but will have a small angled arrow on the lower left hand corner.

Shortcuts are valuable when you need to place a document in multiple folders but do not want to have more than a single copy of that document being viewed and/or edited by your users.  


To create a Shortcut to a document;


Cut and Paste or Moving Documents.

Cut and Paste will remove the selected documents from their original location and move them to the Paste location. When moving a document from one Cabinet to another all versions are moved with the document but shortcuts to the document are deleted as there is no longer any reference to an original document.


To move a Document:


Or Drag and Drop the Document:

