This Help topic refers to the following editions:
þ Enterprise þ Professional þ Small Business.
Overview: runs a separated workflow instance.
Allowed inputs: many
Allowed outputs: 1
The run workflow block allows running a new workflow (subworkflow), separated from the current instance, in a synchronous or asynchronous way. To exchange information between the workflow instances, a variable mapping should be specified in the block definition.
If "Wait until finished" flag is checked, the current workflow will wait the subworkflow to finish, in order to continue. The variable mapping is bidiretional in this case.
If "Wait until finished" flag in unchecked, the current workflow will continue execution normally regardless of subworkflow status. Variable mapping is unidirectional only.
The variable mapping lists which variables in the subworkflow will be updated. In the screenshot example below, variable "Company" in Shipment workflow (subworkflow) will receive the value of variable "CompanyName" in the current workflow. In the case of bidirectional mapping, when Shipment workflow finishes, the value of "CompanyName" will be updated again, with the value of variable "Company".