DX Inbox

This Help topic refers to the following editions:

þ Enterprise þProfessional þ Personal þ Small Business


The DX Inbox is used to add documents to DocuXplorer folders. Located on the Library Tree of the DocuXplorer Desktop, The DX Inbox is a window to any folder on a shared network or local drive. Using the DX Inbox a document (file) or multiple documents (files) can be selected from a hard drive folder and dragged and dropped into a DocuXplorer folder for indexing and storage. Use the DX Inbox for easy access to files created by Network Scanners that scan documents and leaves them in a pre-selected folder or to files created in any program that you have saved to a hard drive.



The DX Inbox can automatically remove imported files from their originating hard drive folders after import by setting the "Send original files of documents imported to DocuXplorer to the Recycle Bin" Option in the Home | Options | Workstation menu. When set, the duplicate document remaining on the hard drive is sent to the operating system’s Recycling Bin after it has been added to the DocuXplorer database. This feature is available only when importing documents from a local hard drive.


The DX Inbox is used to import documents from any local or network drive directly to DocuXplorer


On the Ribbon


In the DX Inbox right clicking on a file in a folder will bring up a menu with many of the functions available on your computer in Windows Explorer.


                   The DX Inbox right-click menu gives you the same functionality you have in Windows Explorer

The configuration of the right-click your computer will depend on programs you have installed that place themselves on the Windows Explorer right-click menu.



While you can select multiple documents to be imported to DocuXplorer you can perform these right-click menu functions only on a single file - if you have selected multiple files only the first file will be affected.