OCR Barcode

This Help topic refers to the following editions:
Enterprise þ Professional þ Personal þ Small Business


Bar codes are machine-readable vertical lines affixed to a document (as seen in the screen shot below) that contain a series of numbers (such as an invoice #). Using this OCR Bar Code tool, you can capture this information to populate any Index Set field.


1. Click "Create OCR Bar Code zone" button in the top menu.

 2. Click an area near the barcode, then surround the Barcode with the OCR zone, and release the mouse. Then select the field you would like to capture.




If the OCR Barcode zone is being used as part of a OCR Batch Scanning process, there are three additional items to select from: Cabinet, Drawer and Folder. When using the OCR Batch Scanning process the new document will be stored in the location assigned to the Cabinet, Drawer and Folder field values.


Barcode zones also have OCR Properties to help control and limit the values returned from the OCR engine.