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to the following editions:
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The workflow definition editor is where you create and edit workflow definitions. You can open it to edit a workflow definition by:
Click Tools | Manage Workflows
A window like this will open:
Then, to open the Workflow Designer:
Select a workflow definition in the left pane
Click Edit
The Diagram Designer will appear:
In the workflow definition editor you can do several tasks. Below are the most common ones:
Adding objects to diagram
To add objects to diagram, click one of the objects in the object toolbar, and then click in the diagram at the position you want the object to be inserted (or press the mouse button, move the mouse and release the button, to insert the object with a specified size).
Workflow diagram objects:
Drag and drop workflow diagram objects onto your grid area to use it in a workflow definition.
Start Block - The starting point of every workflow. Every workflow
has one starting block with one arrow going to first diagram object.
End Block - The end of every workflow. Every
workflow has one end block, and when it is reached the workflow will be
considered to be finished.
Error Block - Becomes active task in a workflow
instance when certain errors are caught by the workflow engine. It
does not have an input, but allows an output so the workflow can continue.
Source connector - Connects an output
to a target connector without requiring transition lines between the source
and target connector.
Target connector - Accepts an input
from the source connector without requiring transition lines between the
source and target connector.
Transition - The method of passing an output of one diagram object
to the input of another diagram object. The straight, side, and
arch transition elements are identical, except for their appearance on
the workflow diagram for better appearance. Transitions are also
able to run scripts.
Side - The method of passing an output of
one diagram object to the input of another diagram object. The straight,
side, and arch transition elements are identical, except for their appearance
on the workflow diagram for better appearance. Transitions are also
able to run scripts.
Arc - The method of passing an output of
one diagram object to the input of another diagram object. The straight,
side, and arch transition elements are identical, except for their appearance
on the workflow diagram for better appearance. Transitions are also
able to run scripts.
Fork Object - Allows one output to split
to two continuing paths for the workflow, so that parallel processes can
be run after a task block or other diagram object completes.
Join Object - Allows two outputs to be combined
into a single path, so that parallel tasks or outputs can merge into one
diagram object's input.
Line joiner - Allows many outputs to be
combined into a single path, so that parallel outputs can merge into one
diagram object's input.
Task block - Creates task instances for users
based on its task definitions.
Approval - A simple task block,
with a single task with pre-defined definitions relating to a simple approval
Decision block - Changes the execution
flow according to a boolean condition. Any pascal expression can
use workflow variables or static
value to determine the direction of the workflow direction.
Run workflow - Embed a workflow definition
inside of another workflow definition.
Send email - Sends an email notification
with any hard-coded information, and can use any workflow
variables for the To:, From:, subject, or message body.
Database SQL block - Run an SQL statement
in the database
Comment block - Shows a comment in the
workflow diagram. Does not have any effect on the workflow, but
allows other users looking at the workflow definition to see comments.
Text Block - Displays a dynamic test in a
workflow diagram, allowing workflow variables
to be displayed with their current values in the workflow diagram.
Script block - Runs a pascal script to
set or calculate workflow variables.
Creating transitions between objects
You can create a transition between block by choosing one of the transitions types in the transition toolbar:
If a transition type is already selected (button pressed), you don't need to reselect the transition type every time you want to create a transition.
Once a transition type is selected, press the mouse button in any link point of the source block (a link point is the blue "x" displayed in the diagram object), drag the mouse, and then release the mouse button in any link point of the target block. A transition will be created connecting the source block to the target block.
Changing visual appearance of diagram objects
You can change visual appearance of diagram objects by using some options in the menu and/or the toolbars. You can change background color, border color, border style, brush style, pen width, font, and more. The appearance of diagram objects do not affect the way the workflow definition will behave; it's just for visual purposes.
Once the diagram is built, save it by choosing the menu option File | Save, or pressing the save button in the toolbar.
Workflow definition options
Using the menu Workflow, you can click one of the submenu options to define some specific options for the workflow definition, like workflow variables and workflow attachments.
Workflow validation
By pressing Ctrl+F9 or choosing menu option "Workflow | Check Workflow", you invoke the workflow definition validator which will check for problems in the workflow. If there are any issues with the workflow definition, a panel with errors and warnings will be displayed at the bottom of editor:
Other operations
The workflow definition editor also provides:
·preview/printing capabilities
·clipboard operations
·top and left rulers
and other features.